We believe that our membership is our strength
We encourage all organisations based in Sri Lanka who deal with outbound tourism to
become part of our shared vision by joining our membership.

- The TAASL represents all its members as a national body in facilitating issues with the government and other stakeholders.
- The TAASL will assist all its members with resolving any issues with government bodies and airlines.
- The Association will intervene to resolve issues among its members.
- The TAASL will facilitate its members on educational tours and industry programs.
- All members will have access to networking opportunities within relevant industries.
- The Association will organize regular social events and activities for its members.
A concept of social responsibility and ethical conduct inherent in every society. The main reason for the existence of commercial organization is to produce a market and provide services which satisfy both the needs of the commercial organization in terms of an adequate return on investment taking into account the risks undertaken. There can also be no dispute that its first responsibility is to be profitable. This is essential not only for the shareholders, but also for the livelihood and security of its employees.
TAASL believes that these aims can be best achieved in a free enterprise system and in a market economy which allows free enterprise at reasonable scope. A successful and respected private sector is an essential prerequisite for the future development of the country. we therefore believe that business is an obligation to advance and promote the principles, not only for economic growth, but also national development and social progress. As businessmen who are members of TAASL we accept our commitment to the following basic obligations.

We also accept that at various times TAASL may be required to give priority to the interest of one or more members involved in or affected by its activities in preference to another. We recognise that in the long term, however, this organisation must strike a fair balance so that the interests of all members are taken into consideration and no group is unjustly neglected

- Ensure that in providing travel service to our customers we protect their interest at all times.
- Provide travel service that meets high standards of quality.
- Ensure that all services that are provided to our customers meet their contracted expectations.
- Members shall be factual and accurate when providing information about the service, they represent.
- Avoid the use of improper exaggerated or misleading advertising claims.

- Treat all employees, irrespective of their position in business with respect and not subject them to any indignity.